A picture of the Lower Cove Run at peak
summer water flow. |
Wildflowers growing inside the proposed
basin of water for dam site #16. |
Another picture of the Lower Cove Run
which would be dammed up for recreation
purposes. |
A barn that would be demolished by the
proposed dam site #16 wall & road. |
A field and forest inside the proposed
area of the lake that would be submerged
forever. |
Facing south looking out over the entire
Lost River Valley from the Lower Cove
Road. |
Watching a sunset on a quiet and
peaceful evening from the proposed dam
site #16. |
A barn that lays in the potential path
of a massive earthen wall for the
proposed Lower Cove Dam. |
Another view of the valley that would be
decimated and lost forever from proposed
construction. |
Facing west with the Lower Cove Run on
the left behind the trees. |
Looking out over the Lower Cove Run
valley with the George Washington
National Forest in the background. |
Secluded fields & tree's inside of the
proposed area of the Lower Cove Dam. |
The proposed location of the dam wall
where an intersection road will be built
to connect both sides of the valley. |
A wider view of the proposed location of
the wall of the potential dam. |
Another view of the proposed dam site
with the George Washington National
Forrest in the background. |
Looking at the Lower Cove Run valley
area that is the proposed location for
dam site #16. |
Lost City, WV looking from more secluded
and peaceful fields. |
A wider picture of the Lower Cove Run
valley area. All this land would
be lost to construction for dam site
#16. |
Watching a sunset from inside the
proposed 50+ acre area where a lake
would exsist. |
Beautiful scenery on a homeowners
property that would be forever lost
underwater. |
Facing northeast looking at homes that
would be submerged in the planned lake. |