Contacts to STOP the Dam.

The following list shows the names and addresses of public officials or agencies with the power to stop the proposed dam on the Lower Cove Run at Lost City, WV.  Please call or write these individuals expressing your concern.


These are the agencies and/or people to contact to request that this project be stopped.

Chief Arlen Lancaster
USDA, NRCS, Office of the Chief
1400 Independence Ave., SW, Room 5105-A
Washington, DC 20250
Phone: 202-720-7246
Fax: 202-720-7690

Truman Wolfe
West Virginia Conservation Agency Executive Director
Gus R. Douglass Agricultural Center at Guthrie
1900 Kanawha Blvd. E
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone:  304-558-2204

Russ Campbell
Division Director
1900 Kanawha Blvd., East
Charleston, WV 25305
Phone: 304-558-2204

Kevin Wickey (State Conservationist)
Louis Aspey (Asst. State Conservationist)
Natural Resources Conservation Service
75 High Street, Room 301
Morgantown, WV 26505


Potomac Valley Conservation District Supervisors

500 East Main Street
Romney, WV 26757

Hardy County Commissioners
204 Washington Street, Room 111
Moorefield, WV 26836
Phone: (304) 538-2929
Fax: (304) 535-8683

US Senator Robert C. Byrd
311 Senate Hart Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
(304) 342-5855

US Senator John D. Rockefeller IV
531 Hart Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510
(304) 347-5372

This is the agency to contact regarding the environmental concerns with the project (destroying a trout stream, destroying wetlands, etc).

US Environmental Protection Agency Region 3
1650 Arch Street (3PM52)
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2029
1-800-438-2474 or send a comment via web

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) must apply for a Clean Water Act Section 401 Individual State Water Quality Certification. They have NOT yet applied. When they do, this is the gentleman you should contact asking that he deny the certification.

Lyle Bennett
Division of Water Resources
601 - 57th Street
Charleston, WV 25304

The NRCS must apply for a Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 permit. They have NOT yet applied. When they do, this is the gentleman you should contact asking that he deny the permit.

Allen Edris
Regulatory Project Manager-Army Corp of Engineers
Department of the Army
Pittsburgh District, Corps of Engineers
William S. Moorhead Federal Building
1000 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-4186


Copyright 2005 - Lost River Valley Committee