Contact / Donate / Support Us

If you wish to contact us, please use the following information:

Contact Info #1
Lost River Committee
Elizabeth Webster
294 Lower Cove Road
Lost City, WV  26810
Telephone:  304-897-7507  [8:00am - 3:30pm; Mon-Fri]
Telephone:  304-897-5095  [Leave message after 9 rings if no one answers.]

Contact Info #2
Lost River Committee
Bradley Walker
P.O. Box 643
Wardensville, WV  26851
Telephone:  304-874-3727
Telephone:  304-897-8600


In order to keep fight for the rights of citizens and preserve the valley, we are accepting donations online via PayPal and also through postal mail.  Please feel free to donate online using your credit card or PayPal account to the address of  If you are unable to donate online we accept checks and money orders via postal mail at the address below.

We would like to take this time now to thank you for donating to us.  Rest assured that 100% of your donation is used to pay for legal and advertising fees.  Absolutely NO ONE receives a penny from any donation.  In fact we as landowners are digging deep in our own pockets to help finance this.

To make an online *secure* donation:

Please click the above button to make a secure online donation through PayPal.
If you do not have a PayPal account please click here to sign up for one.

Please make any checks or money orders payable to:

The Lost River Valley Committee
294 Lower Cove Road
Lost City, WV  26810

If you have any other questions about supporting us, please contact


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