Kimsey Run Dam Site #4

The Kimsey Run Dam site #4 was completed in 1994 after years of legal battles and much local opposition.  Despite the opposition, the Hardy County Commissioners and PVCD members continued to push the project forward. According to the local NRCS representative, the dam cost taxpayers approximately $12 million and took approx. 281 acres of land. The Kimsey Run dam/fishing lake is located in Lost River, roughly 7 miles away from Trout Pond/Rock Cliff Lake fishing and recreation area. The Kimsey Run dam has the largest drainage area of the proposed 5 dam watershed project. It drains approx. 20,850 acres, only 18% of the total Lost River drainage area.

Also note that the Kimsey Run dam site also had an 18th century family cemetery that was desecrated, dug up, and moved to a local church cemetery to allow for the water reservoir to cover the grounds!



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